24 Million +

people reached online

100 +

organizations collaborated with

1000 +

people given an 1:1 impact

A mission we live and breathe with all we do.

To fulfil it, we go beyond hyping individuals to feel good at the moment and creating profound settings instead, which lead to sustainable and measurable changes in their lives.

  • Helping people to live a life they consciously love sounds philosophical. So, we take Philosophy literally with its definition of “the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence”. So, let’s go scientifically and practically on the ground of what it takes. In doing so, Christian conducts a cross-cultural PhD. in Sociology at Shanghai University while engaging with other universities around the globe to collect more data.

    To ensure science is not only theory, a number of selected companies that have a proven track record of caring for the well-being of their employees also partner with us to deliver practical insights and give us a ground for testing approaches and research findings.

    The core of the approach is formed by the four areas of (physical and mental) Health, Mindset, Actions (Behaviour) and Influence (External Forces). Through root cause analysis we dig deep and uncover the factors and stimuli for a particular state of individuals in these areas to reveal the simplest triggers that the individual can strategically use to create a life of joy.

    On this basis, we develop strategies, tools and programmes that create settings which allow individuals to improve their personal state of fulfilment in specific areas and ultimately overall until they live a life they consciously



Christian Schnepf

Always driven by curiosity, Christian grew up ambitiously. This inevitably also led him to strive for business success, running through a career in Marketing and Management. Yet this caused him ultimately a burn out, but even worse, the loss of any enthusiasm in life he had previously been used to feeling. He questioned that this was supposed to be it, and set out to find solutions on how he could continue to grow while enjoying his time along the way and feeling a real sense of life. His journey took him through more than 25 countries, where he spoke to C-level executives and children alike. Through that, he discovered techniques that made it possible for many people to increase their life satisfaction and eventually also his own. Yet, he wanted to bring it further and defined the vision where anyone is able to live a life they truly love. On the mission to make this possible, he now constantly partners with highly engaged vision-sharing professionals and organizations to bring and to be a change in the lives of those who seek it.

Dr. Eamon McKinney has over 30 years of experience in cross-cultural major industrial project implementation and has been nominated for a Nobel Prize in Economics. For the last 70 years, he has breathed the unshakable principle of freedom in creating and letting create lives on one’s own terms. After Christian spoke at a speaker's night about how he sees the economic trend and his ideas for a more meaningful change, McKinney immediately saw the urgency of this in the economy and is since enthusiastically involved as a consultant for the economic application.

Dr. Eamon McKinney

Economic strategy

Karel is a former partner at a Big Four firm, founder of the Executive Coaching and Leadership Development company AUTHENTES, and author of “Finding Your Rythm”. Experiencing firsthand the challenges people face throughout their careers - from intern to CEO - the assessment of Christian’s leadership qualities combined with his sincere approach to make meaningful changes in lives and businesses caught his attention. Since then, Karel has been supporting Christian as his personal coach and mentor on his mission, which has also developed into a friendship for many years to date.

Karel Bakkes

Personal mentoring

Tim Wilke

Tim set out to inspire people with his work early on which let him eventually become Head of Production at Umo. Strongly resonating with Christian's vision, he aspired to use his talents and expertise to let his message impact as many people as possible. Therefore, he personally supervises any media production for Christian Schnepf’s public communication, to make a positive impact on people’s lives.